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New School Year Resolutions

September 29, 2013

I love the start of a new school year. Unlike January 1st, a new school year really does feel like a reset to me. It is more than a new date on the calendar. For a teachers  and students September marks a fresh beginning and a chance to dot he things that we hoped to complete the year before.

The paragraph written above was completed on September 2nd and it has taken me almost a month to get back to completing my thoughts. This speaks to the speed that events within a school happen. Unlike summer when time is your own the school year is “full on” for both teachers and parents. Academics, sports, clubs and meetings dominate the day. Ask anyone, “How are things going?” and the first sentence is sure to have the word, “busy.” Indeed everyone is.

This brings me to my New School Year Resolutions. I have resolved to focus on the speed of the day and I have resolved to:

1) Take the time to listen (not hear) a story or two told by the students.

2) Take the time to tell a story or two

These are small resolutions and seem simple however, teachers and students should all remember that we are in a people business. Education of students goes beyond the lessons in a textbook and teachers can learn from their students. A month into the school year and these two simple resolutions have made for a wonderful, and busy, month. I can only hope the rest of the year goes as well.

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